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Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I choose Twight's One on One?

I believe that learning should be uplifting and inspiring. My aim is to nurture the self-confidence of the student, as I consider this to be key to successful academic performance. If a student experiences more self-belief, they envision more opportunities for their future academic career.


How much does a private tutor cost?

I charge $40 for the first hour and $30 for the second hour in any given week. A third hour can be tagged on per week at $25.00


What are Twight's One on One specialties?

I excel at teaching, reading and spelling skills using well-researched and proven programs. I specialize in attention or focus issues, dyslexia and other learning challenges. Fun games and techniques are implemented to help your child stay on task and succeed. Another specialty is helping students re-invigorate their curiosities for math and to help them acquire the tools they need to perform at or above grade level.


Can you help at school?

Yes! For my ongoing students, I would be happy to attend their Independent Education Plan (IEP) meetings, 504 plan meetings, and/or parent-teacher conferences and work closely with their teacher on classroom and tutoring plans.  I charge the same rate as we do for tutoring ($40 per hour).


My child sometimes exhibits behavioral or interpersonal issues. Can you help with that?

Yes! I often engage using reflection and open discussion of a student's behavior. With our one-on-one careful discussions, I can equip your child with the communication tools to adapt and overcome most inappropriate social behaviors with/towards others.


Why am I so frustrated when I try to work with my child on homework and other assignments? Can you help?

Your child always wants to impress you. They seek your approval. When they feel that they are falling short of your expectations they may become shy, defensive and/or withdrawn. Often, just having an outside, objective professional helps them to pay attention and respect the teacher and the tutor. Having the outlet of a private tutor can lead to less parent intervention at home. 


Can you work at my house?

One-on-One Tutoring only offers home tutoring to families of students with physical challenges or other health issues where an office visit just isn't viable.


Do you offer online/teleconferencing tutoring?

Yes! Some of our families live at unmanageable distances away from my office. Distance learning online is an effective option available.  

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